Of all the 'planets' you can use the 'god of war' - Mars is the one to work with. If you know where your natal Mars is located by sign or house you should focus 'his' energy in the areas associated with the sign or house. When Mars enters a sign (or house) he brings increased awareness and if you don't use this to your advantage he sets up an internal struggle - causing frustration, annoyance and exasperation. Mars transits (movements) offer the following information:
Mars visiting the 1st - You'll be experiencing an increase of energy so be careful in what you think and do. It's a good time for physical activity, get outdoors doing something that uses up this excess energy or make time for relaxation and let nature take its course! Mars means energy and all 'Martian' traits are emphasised now, including the risk of accidents, cuts, bruises and infections! Focus your 'energy' in a positive manner (constructively rather than destructively).With Mars being the planet of 'war' you can expect some kind of 'war' going on in your sexual life for your sexual drive may well be increased and if not focussed accordingly all sorts of interesting scenario's might appear tempting...
Mars visits the 2nd - Becoming more interested in sex (opposite or otherwise) during this transit and not afraid to show it! You'll be the life and soul of any party, go dancing, meet people, accept invitations and get rid of some of that surplus energy however, don't go to excess. Avoid people, who are too self-centred, you'll only argue with them or, be blamed for some of the things they do or say! Any lack of harmony, brings frustration into your sex life leaving you feeling unsatisfied and even unwell or, reckless! With Mars being the planet of energy, focus you're thinking on how you can increase your income or, make more money for yourself and loved ones, in fact, you may even receive a gift or extra money
Transiting Mars into the 3rd - you'll have increased mental energy during this period, identifying strongly with your ideas, and fight for anything you believe in (conversely, meeting others who are just as assertive/ aggressive in defending his or her ideas.) The extra mental energies you posses now are good for business and professional ambitions; however watch any impulsive decisions and impatience doesn't ruin work already done! Take care when driving, accidents will occur when you are angry or acting too hastily; these are preventable with a little forethought.
Transiting Mars into your 4th - Don't act in haste and don't get angry about unimportant things for a lot can be accomplished now; channel your energy wisely, and don't let it explode indiscriminately. Your health will be a little under par from being more excitable where those around you might be irritable and difficult to handle therefore express your anger, but do it in a controlled way. This sector of your chart has everything to do with the house or home and is favourable for making changes - even moving! Remembering, it's when a planet first enters a house or leaves a house that you can 'see' or 'fee' the effect...
Mars visiting your 5th - You'll have increased physical energy and drive, feel more authoritative and self-expressive and need to be physically active, get outside and do something that uses up your excess energy.
Mars transiting this sector is a good time to start a new project or projects and whatever you do, do it with energy and confidence. This can be a good time for a flutter or speculation, romance and social activities - create them. Remembering what you get is what you give (consciously or unconsciously) for this is the house of the love (life) you have to give and 'making babies' is in the air...
Transiting Mars into the 6th - Industrious, efficient, tireless, dynamic and active in your workplace/business with a tendency towards irritation and impatience with co-workers, employees or others who lack these qualities - that's you at this time! Increased vitality and strong recuperative powers are indicated yet, running a fever (perhaps higher than normal) if illness strikes! There's also a danger of burns, scalds, and accidents sustained in the course of work or employment - happening as a result of impulse, haste, and impatience. Like it or not it'll be necessary during this transit to force yourself into seeking a quiet place/ space to recoup your strength. Remember the word discipline and control any temper!
Mars visiting the 7th - Where you'll attract and respond to the many different circumstances, people, situations and events in your life for by a quirk of fate we often project the things we LOVE or, conversely the things we HATE onto others during this transit! You're very much attracted to the opposite (same?) sex in this period, and not afraid of showing it. Family disputes can bring on nervous tension and feelings of insecurity are also common, be careful that those whom you attract into your life do not 'rock your emotional boat' too much for this could produce a violent reaction in either party! Wanting to be or becoming more independent and wanting your own way are all possible now (divorce?)
Transiting Mars into the 8th - Keep away from crowds, dangerous places and risk taking / survival situations at this time! Interestingly this is a favourable time for athletes, scientists, or for self-improvement for you have the power to change your life NOW. Don't force your ideas onto others, and watch out for people who try to force their ideas onto you. Be diplomatic, and use good judgement for if you use this energy creatively, you can transform your world, recognise this and control it.
Mars visiting your 9th - This is a wonderful time for business expansion, a big trip, or dealing with foreign clients, look for a job, or train for a new one! Physically, you're at a peak, but don't let your boisterous confidence lead to over-confidence creating accident or injury. You'll want to initiate big projects, you're confident and positive, however be careful, you're not overestimating your present capabilities and take on more than you can really handle! Ideas for making a 'quick profit' should be shelved, think long term goals not short term satisfaction. Don't choose this time to become involved in court battles but if you do, make sure you present yourself in the best possible light and not too aggressive.
Transiting Mars into the 10th - You'll be working harder than usual at this time, incurring heavy responsibilities. If your work is disciplined and organised, you'll get good results. If your work (and how you're seen) is sloppy or unfocused you'll meet with frustration and anger! Be seen in your best possible light and don't even think of venturing into public without a shave or makeup...
There may be conflict with the authorities (remembering the 10th house is also the house of the same sex parent- an authority figure) and you may feel restricted somehow. Work at a steady, even pace, don't exhausting yourself by doing too much.
Transiting Mars into the 11th - This is a time of explosive energy and unexpected events - on a personal level you'll be independent of everything and everyone! Don't move too fast and you'll avoid accidents, taking care with things made of metal! There could be news of a friend involved in an accident/incident or to be in some kind of trouble! Consciously or unconsciously, you'll want to be free to act in any way you choose, rebelling against anyone or anything that holds you back! Working with or coming to understand modern electronic gadgets/equipment will satisfy your creativity.
Mars visiting your 12th - Take care of your physical and mental health, conserving your energy.You'll experience greater psychic awareness now, and may even have the ability to heal; alternatively, you may receive a healing from some source! You'll give yourself unselfishly to others just be careful of being taken advantage of by people who are using you! Deceptive actions in your business affairs are possible where secret and dishonest actions cause you anger! Make sure your own actions are truthful and above board and not deluding yourself - say what you mean and mean what you say...
Next article: Making Astrology work for you - Jupiter
Numerology and Astrology have been my life and passion for over 30 years. I've been published numerous times and still have something new to offer each time I hit the keyboard - who wants to read the same old same old? I believe if you have a philosophy and no one knows about it, it doesn't mean anything. If you have an idea or insight and tell no one - it's meaningless.
Vist my website: http://www.thomasmuldoon.com.au and see what I'm talking about or visit http://www.astronumbers.com.au for more fascinating topics on Astrology, Palmistry, Tarot and a whole lot more. Return to EzineArticles on a regular basis for more insights. Personal readings via email are available - check website for details.
I use the Tarot as a tool for helping me answer questions - resolve issues and to focus my attention on what's really important. Allow me to share this tool with you in a simple - uncomplicated and without 'jargon' to bring about the success you seek.
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