Friday, August 19, 2011

How Leaders Gain Respect

chicago transit authority

Just turned off the television again. One leader of our Country was talking about how our military has the best. Well,for a fact, it is not their shoes. Dress military shoes are shiny but as for comfort, who can say? Seriously, we need to respect authority. We place our leaders in office. Have you ever heard that readers are leaders? They are human beings and need prayer and support to do what is right, just and good. Not all persons can be a leader. Would you want just any of your family members to lead a country? In my opinion, many leaders today are influenced by special interest groups that lie to them. In their own best interest of course. Kings and queens of old would call upon a wise man. These were people who had much knowledge and wisdom. When was the last time you contacted your leaders or representative?

Stamps do not cost much and each opinion counts. Do you even know how or care to? Their addresses may be found in the local newspapers. Why do we just complain about the past and remain ignorant as to how to change anything, like our ecomony, for the better? What works and what does not? Our factories made some inferior products and workers expected good pay for less quality work. So the companies sold out and moved them elsewhere. Would you not do the same? Yes, many of our elders are neglected and our youth are still looking to gangs and criminal activity for love and possessions.Most are going through peer influence and what they have lived with over many years.

The media shows violence and romances that are unrealistic. Video games are loaded with ignorance and things that impress innocent children in the wrong way. Parents who did not take time with them and blamed teachers are at fault. So what if your son or daughter is a poor example of a citizen? Blame your lazy, uncaring ignorant self.

Mothers who place innocent babies in trash cans need to be placed in there too. Where are the good fathers? Let the punishment fit the crime. The death penality is not too good for people who murder innocent persons for their possessions. We know criminals are less than perfect. Many lack the capacity to respect authority or education. So they become like a monkey in a cage to be looked at with no privacy or rights.Their criminal record follows them in the job market. Most criminals blame everyone for what they did except themselves. Give me a decent break. Our leaders will come through for us.

This generation of children will be our future leaders. Invest some time in a child for teaching good. Qualities of a good leader are honesty, truth, compassion, humility, faithfulness,temperance, mercy, fairness, strictness and a good communicator just to name a few. If you want respect, you cannot be above the laws of the land. People vote and they trusted particular ones to do as they promised. Corruption stinks. Truth will come out. It always does. There are some things we the people do not need to know.

Brenda Kay Winters


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