Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Designing A Sun Block For Child Abductions

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An abducted child is every parent’s most horrid nightmare and every detective’s most silent cringe. According to a report released by the State of Washington’s Attorney General’s Office (SWAG) in May of 1997 they found that the chances of recovering an abducted child alive will grow grimmer as the hours pass. In “74% of the case the victims were found dead with in three hours after their abduction”(1). Hence, there is no time to waste focusing on the wrong suspects.

There are two thought provoking findings revealed in the SWAG’s study that suggests, to the astrologically minded, that perhaps the art and science of Astrology (the study of the planets on human behavior), could offer an immediate means of identifying a child’s abductor if it the principals of Astrology are explored at length.

The two findings in the SWAG study (which resulted from the particulars that surrounded 600 child homicide cases from 44 states) that pushed attention over to Astrology were that “in 60% of the cases the abductors were found to be white males, unmarried. It is astrological principal that the zodiacal sign placement of the Sun (which is considered to possess masculine properties) will at ones birth, describe the males that will play important roles in that person’s life; whether for good or evil. This includes a child’s abductor; which again, the SWAG’s study found, is likely to be male (1).

The other finding in the SWAG’s study was that, “in 53% of the cases, the children and their abductor were strangers” (1). It can be figured from the balance of the 53% of children who were abducted by strangers, that the other 47% of the children in their study knew their abductors. It can then be furthered assumed from the figures presented that the chances of a new abducted child, knowing or not knowing their abductor, is almost equal. With this in mind, it leads to the assumption that law enforcement could certainly use a means that will help them immediately direct their focus on a known or unknown abductor—especially when time is of the essence.

Astrology could find its merit in abducted children cases if it was applied to the same cases that encompassed the SWAG’s study. By applying the quality of each zodiac sign at the birth of each abducted child in their study and cross-matching the zodiac sign with the fact of whether the child knew or didn’t know their abductor; Perhaps, a discernable pattern will exist and the result in turn can be a predictive tool to be used in future cases of abduction. Police would be able to better direct their focus when canvassing neighborhoods.

The SWAG’s study was conducted in cooperation with, and at the request of, the U.S. Justice Department. The project, which took three-years to complete, was motivated by the desire to learn how to investigate abduction type crimes against children. The study found that since there are only 100 child abduction murders in the United States each year, the “infrequency” of their occurrence doesn’t allow for any skills to be learned and applied when investigating these crimes (1). The over all breath of the report suggests that in the past the police didn’t know how to handle cases of abducted children. Although their study did make great breakthroughs they still lack the ability and means to quickly ascertain whether a child knows or does not know their abductor when a new case arises. When no public eye witnessing exists, they might be able to learn more if they take an astrological view of the Sun.

The word Astrology is derived from the Greek words, astra, a star, and logos, logic or reason. It literally implies the doctrine and law as shown by the stars or planets. The twelve signs of the zodiac belt make up the 360 degree band of space containing the orbit of the planets. The planets in their orbit around the Sun transverse the twelve signs of the zodiac belt. Each of the twelve zodiac signs (Aries thru Pisces) possesses a certain quality all their own.

An important advocate of the zodiac signs in Astrology was the very well respected and great contributor to the field of Psychology, Carl G. Jung. According to written correspondences between Sigmund Freud (another great contributor to the field of Psychology) and Carl Jung found in The Freud/Jung Letters, Jung wrote to Freud:

I dare say that we shall one day discover a good deal of knowledge that has been intuitively projected into the heavens. For instance, it appears that the signs of the zodiac are character pictures. In other words, libido symbols which depict the typical qualities of the libido at a given moment. Perhaps Jung, after his own observance into the validity of signs of the zodiac would agree today that it would be worth a further look in the matters of abducted children.

According to Robert Hand, an avid Jung follower, in his book entitled, Planets in Transit, imparts that:
"The transitting Sun has to do with men in general who you may encounter and persons in authority of either sex. Afflictions from the transitting Sun often indicate problems with authorities or men (47)."

What is meant by Afflictions, as referred to by Hand, are the aspects (by mathematical angle) from other planets to the Sun which will describe what type of problem with men one might endure in their lifetime.

Lets take a look at two cases of abducted females, who were later found murdered, and who knew their abductors. This first case is in the matter of New York’s Kali Ann Poulton. According to press writer Ben Dobbin, in an article entitled, Ex-neighbor Killed 4-Year-Old, published in South Coast Today, we learned that Kali’s neighbor, Mark Christi, confessed to her murder. Mark Christi had known Kali from the playground near both their homes. It was noted from a flyer circulated by the National Center for Missing & Exploited children that Kali Ann Poulton was born on September 20, 1989. A check of The American Ephermis for the 20th Century reveals that the Sun was positioned in the constellation (or zodiac sign) of Virgo.

Another abducted and murdered female who knew her abductor was Danielle Van Dam. According to Caruso and Maier in their book entitled, They’re Killing Our Children, it was learned that Danielle’s neighbor, David Westerfield, was her killer (10). A date of birth for Danielle as September 22, 1994 was taken from a memorial page hosted by the Elizabeth Smart web site. A check of The American Ephermis for the 20th Century reveals that the Sun at Danielle’s birth was also positioned in the constellation (or zodiac sign) of Virgo.

Both Danielle and Kali had their Sun’s positioned at birth in the zodiac sign of Virgo; and both had been abducted and murdered by their neighbors. Taking the influence of the constellation of Virgo a step further it was noted that Kali’s killer, Mark Christi, was a security guard according to Dobbin. Danielle’s killer, David Westerfield, according to Caurso and Maeir, engineered the design of medical devices (57). The sign of Virgo has historically been associated with people who were uniforms and people in the medical field. The Virgo sign signature had described details about both their abductors.

Now lets take a look at two cases of abducted females, who didn’t know their abductors. The first case is in the matter of New York’s Sara Anne Wood. According to press writer William Kates, in an article entitled, Lent Gets 25 to Life for Kidnapping, Murder, published in South Coast Today, we learned that Sara’s killer, Lewis S. Lent, traveled over one hundred miles from Massechusetts to New York to abduct her. In A Nationwide Publication of Missing Children it was reported that Sara Anne Wood was born on March 4, 1981 (21). A check of The American Ephermis for the 20th Century reveals that the Sun was positioned in the constellation (or zodiac sign) of Pisces.

In the abduction and murder of California’s Polly Hannah Klaas we will see another zodiac sign. In A Nationwide Publication of Missing Children it was reported that Polly Klaas was born on January 3rd 81 (21). It was noted from The American Ephemeris for the 20th Century 1900 to 2000 at Noon, that on that day, the Sun was positioned in the sign of Capricorn. Barry Bornick, in this book entiltled, Polly Klaas: The Murder of America’s Child, told readers that Polly’s killer, Richard Allen Davis, stopped in Petaluma on his way traveling to the town of Ukiah. Davis was a stranger to Polly (27).

The zodiac belt starts with the zodiac sign of Aries at zero degrees of the ecliptic. Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, and Virgo complete the first half of the belt. Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces finish the wheel. In the cases mentioned above we saw strangers present in the later signs of the Capricorn and Pisces; while the earlier sign of Virgo saw neighbors as the abductors. This type of observation if explored further against the SWAG’s study could become very distinguishable.

Astrological awareness is cases of missing children could offer police something of extreme value to their investigations if a more complete and comprehensive study was made using the cases already included in the SWAG’s study. The data needed to conduct the additional study is already collected. Checking birth dates for Sun sign position would be almost effortless. Once the numbers were in, intelligent minds (which would have to include a few seasoned Astrologers) could sift though the data and see what kind of correlations exist. What they find might surprise them.

Police Officers, who wouldn’t ordinarily trust the use of Astrology might give it more credence if the idea was forth coming by experts such as the SWAG’s study. The only other problem foreseen would lie in error. Meaning that if the taking of birth data is inadvertently recorded it will cause a misinterpretation of a child’s Sun sign and that could send an investigation into the wrong direction.

The U. S. Justice Department should seriously consider taking another in depth look at the cases in their child homicide study. Only, this time, applying an astrological view. If the facts that develop show a high correlation of known or unknown abductors to specific zodiac signs the approach can be used to offer an abductor’s identity when a new abducted child case arises and there are no public witnesses to the abduction that can help lead police in the right direction.

This article was written by Renee Francis after conducting her own research in the matter of missing children over the last fifteen years. To date, she has been responsible for the accurate location of 4 cases of missing persons using the gravitational pull of the planets. She strongly feels that a profiling system exists in Astrology that can be used to identify a child's abductor; as well as using the planets to offer high probable locations for the missing.

When you re-published or reprint this article you must keep the links intact so that someone who is suffering from a missing child can contact me. When you republish or reprint this article you participate in spreading the word that a Missing Child is unacceptable. If we don't look at every avenue that will help us bring a missing child home, then we are not doing all that is possible in their recovery and we fail our children.

Works Cited

Bortnick, Barry. Polly Klaas: The Murder of America’s Child. New York:
Kensington Publishing Corp. 1995.

Caruso, Michelle & Maier, Nicholas. They’re Killing Our Children: Inside the

Kidnapping and Child Murder Epidemic Sweeping America. Florida: AMI

Books Inc. 2002.

Dobbin , Ben. “Police: Ex-neighbor killed 4-year-old”. South Coast Today 11
August 1996.

Hand, Robert. Planets in Transit: Life Cycles for Living. Pennsylvania: Whitford
Press. Fifteenth printing, June 1987.

Freud, Sigmund. The Freud/Jung Letters: The Correspondence between

Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. Edited by William McGuire. Princeton,

NJ : Princeton University Press, 1974.

Kates, William. “Lent Gets 25 to Life for Kidnapping, Murder”. Southcoast Today
12 April 1997.

Michelsen, Neil F. The American Ephemeris for the 20th Century 1900 to 2000 at
Noon. Revised Edition. San Diego, California: ACS Publications, Inc. 1988.

Missing Children Report. A Nationwide Publication of Missing Children.

Carmichael, CA. The Place of Good News. 1993.

State Attorney General releases Child Homicide Study. May 13,1997.


July 24, 00.

Renee Francis is a professional Astrologer located in Southern Colorado. Miss Francis offers a wide range of astrological services from natal chart erection to astrological report services. She also schedules private phoneconsult and designs specialized workshops around a groups own interests.

Miss Francis' real unrelenting passion for the stars however lies in her own independent study into the matter of missing children and the use of using the stars and planets as a tool in location and profiling possible suspects. .

When Miss Francis' isn't charting the stars for others, or playing around with the words that can be born of people names, she waits to hear from you.

When you visit her site Astrology for Today she offers visitors the opportunity to get a Free Full Color Natal Birth Chart with a free subscription to her newsletter wherein she shares her avid interest teaching others how to be their own best Astrologer.


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