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The tenth house shows your profession, your reputation and your standing (or lack thereof) in the community. It indicates your ego, status, fame and promotion. It's all about your achievements (realised or dashed) and how the world sees, evaluates and classifies you. The mid-heaven and the tenth house are usually one and the same (but not always) and any planets or aspects to the 10th (or mid-heaven) emphasise how others see you, remembering this area of the chart is where you are socially classified.
Being the house of your public image how you present yourself is of great importance and any planets here will help in understanding how others see you. This house will also tell you something about those who have some 'control' over you (the government, your boss, you're parent! and any other authority figure) study it carefully for planets or aspects to the 10th contain a wealth of information.
No chart can tell you what career you should or should not have but in careful analysis you can work out what kind of work or career you are best suited to. Study the elements, the signs and planets contained within the 10th Some of the Keywords given to the 10th are: Same sex parent: Your reputation: Career: Fame: Goals: Hang-ups! Being the house of hang-ups the 10th house forces us into thinking about what we've done or not done with our lives. Are we living true to ourselves or following in a parent's footstep? It also contains information regarding same sex relationships...
How we handle or accept responsibility is shown by any planets in this house and in life, how we are seen (responsible or otherwise) is how we are 'classified.' Keep in mind this little secret about the 10th for once a year the Sun will enter this sector and during this month we're often embarrassed in some way by something we've said, done or are doing - your public image. When planets transit this house (calling the Moon a planet) for convenience we need to be aware of our public image. Remember, like it or not "first impressions go a long way" when people are forming an opinion of you - particularly job interviews (the house of career, remember/)
Relationships here are impersonal (who was it that said "there's no sentiment in business?") where what you're seen to have accomplished is what counts, you private life or thoughts should not be allowed or seen to interfere. Look to any transits or aspects to this house and see if you're on your way up or on your way down for the 10th house is the pinnacle of the chart...
The following should get your thinking going: The Sun wants to shine; the Moon wants to be remembered. Mercury will give you intelligence; Venus will give you good looks and Mars will give you the energy to achieve whatever it is you want to achieve. Jupiter can take everything for granted whereas Saturn will work long and hard to achieve whatever he/she wants. Uranus will rebel and Neptune looks after everyone or becomes everyone's slave! Pluto will give you power (whether you use this constructively or destructively will depend on other factors in the chart).
Just as the 4th house is considered the emotional house the 10th house is considered the mental house (the 4th being opposite the 10th). The 4th house is the past, the 10th house the future. One is subjective (4th) the other objective (10th). The element of the sign on the cusp of the 10th will give you clues as to what energy is available or what information you can apply in understanding the 10th. For example the element of earth would make you practical, the element of fire would give you enthusiasm. The air element asks you to communicate whereas the water element asks you to take some time out every now and again.
Look to the 2nd house (income) and the 6th house (work) for more information about the 10th for in understanding these houses you'll come to understand the 10th. How one accepts and is seen to handle responsibility determines ones position in life. In career or profession it's usually those who are seen to be filled with confidence to be those favored by those in authority...
Until next time: "Happy 10th"
Numerology and Astrology have been my life and passion for over 30 years. I've been published numerous times and still have something new to offer each time I hit the keyboard - who wants to read the same old same old? I believe if you have a philosophy and no one knows about it, it doesn't mean anything. If you have an idea or insight and tell no one - it's meaningless.
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